Installation and Setup


EATS is a Django application, and depends on other Django applications, django-tmapi, django-selectable, ddh_django_utils, and the Python XML library lxml. It also uses django-webtest for its view tests.

EATS works with Django versions 1.8 and later, and requires Python 3.4 or later.

Project settings

EATS uses Django’s built-in sites framework as the source for the URLs it associates with the entities it creates. Set the domain name appropriately.

The URL for the Topic Map that underpins EATS must be set in the Django project settings as EATS_TOPIC_MAP.

The number of search results per page can be specified as EATS_RESULTS_PER_PAGE.

The number of extra forms to supply for each property assertion on edit entity pages may be customised using the following settings: EATS_EXTRA_EXISTENCE_FORMS, EATS_EXTRA_ENTITY_TYPE_FORMS, EATS_EXTRA_NAME_FORMS, EATS_EXTRA_NAME_PART_FORMS, EATS_EXTRA_ENTITY_RELATIONSHIP_FORMS, EATS_EXTRA_NOTE_FORMS, and EATS_EXTRA_SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER_FORMS.